
Roof Maintenance

Every six months you go to the dentist to get your teeth checked up, they poke around in their checking for cavities and they let you know if anything is wrong so it can be fixed before a major problem develops. Now wouldn’t it make since to treat your roof the same way you treat your teeth, every six months giving it a check up to fix up potentially costly problems that could damage more than just your roof? New Vallee Roofing is here to offer affordable preventative maintenance packages to commercial or residential buildings. Every six months we will inspect your roof for hidden debris, damaged shingles fasteners, gutter fasteners and cleaning, sealants as well as a multitude of other potential problem areas, fixing future major problems while they are still inexpensive and manageable.
You get your teeth checked every six months
You change your cars oil every few thousand miles
You change your air conditioners filter every other month
Wouldn’t it make since to treat your roof over your head as good as your teeth, car, and air conditioner?
Call us for more information


At each point in a buildings lifespan, its roof which takes to beating from all the elements of Florida’s tropical climate will eventually deteriorate to a point where it needs to be replaced. For each home the process may be different, ranging from a lay-over which is a cost efficient as well as environmentally friendly way of renovating an older buildings roof, to a complete tear down and re roofing of the structure. New Vallee is well experienced in all types of roofing projects on both residential and commercial properties, offering you top quality work and competitive prices.